NOC in-a BOX
Fully loaded with Alarming, Ticketer, Maps, Workflows, & Reports. Eliminate the noise. Automation has never been easier.
Fully loaded with Alarming, Ticketer, Maps, Workflows, & Reports. Eliminate the noise. Automation has never been easier.
Includes search bars, ticket counts, reports, graphs, outages, mapping with weather, performance data, configuration data, alarming. Powerful dashboard display all in one screen.
Noise reduction and automation to manage the mass of data and allow your team to be more productive. Features include; auto ticket creation, color coded by severity, bouncing alarm counter, ignore rules, search function, alarm suppression, custom grace periods and ability to create manual tickets if needed.
Errigal’s modern reporting tool has multiple reports to choose from. Automatic scheduling of reports to individuals or groups, easy export, ability to modify with ease, active report functionality gives you more access to the data.
Create automation with your workflow. Assign tickets to individuals or groups, escalation, accountability, easy to modify and add functionality.
Visual network overview, color coded alarm severity, real time ticket status, weather overlay, weather warning, fire overlay, fiber overlay all with the click of a button.
Automated systems to allow complete control of triage of alarms, a knowledgebase of repair remedies for system problems, instant repair the problems, and initiating Automatic Dispatching of Repair Technicians when necessary.
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